Time is running out.Time is running out.從電視上看見問答遊戲節目,參加者要限時作答,通常主持人都會在限時快到的時候說:Time is running out.(時間快完了),以提醒參加者作答。當你正在忙碌工作,追趕限期時,時間好像永遠不夠用、不會停留等你,所以也可說:The clock’s ticking.(時鐘滴答滴答的過去)或Time is not on our side.(光陰不留人)。相反,如果時間充裕,則可以說:We’ve got all the time in the world.(我們有無限的時間)。 對話 Joe: Psst! Pass me your paper. I need you to write down the answers for me. 喬: 噓!把你的試卷傳給我,我要你替我寫上答案。 Vivian: Wait! Hold on. I haven’t finished yet. Give me a minute. 維維安: 等等!住手。我還沒做完,再給我一點時間吧。 Joe: Hurry it up. Time is running out. 喬: 快點,時間不多了。 Vivian: Ok, I’ve finished. Swap papers. 維維安: 好吧,我寫完了,交換試卷。 Teacher: (Teacher catches them cheating) Your time is up. Principal’s office now, out! 老師: (老師當場發現他們作弊) 你們的時間結束了。馬上到校長室去,出去!《時間不多了》喬在試場裡眼看所剩時間無多,心急如焚說:Time is running out(時間不多了)。 說「時間不多了」,英文有一句成語:The sands are running out,即「沙要漏光了」。這當然是古時沙漏(hourglass)計時的用語,流傳至今,例如:(1) Be quick, the sands are running out(快點,時間不多了)。(2) It seems that the sands are running out for the President: he is unlikely to get re-elected(總統看來時日無多了:他不大可能獲選連任)。有時,這成語會用來比喻生命到了盡頭。The old man’s sands of life were quickly running out即「那老人已是危在旦夕」;到他死了,就可以說:His sands had run out。 Run out有「耗盡」的意思,以消耗的東西作主詞(subject);run out of則以消耗者作主詞,以消耗的東西作受詞,例如:Your time is running out/You are running out of time(你時間無多了)。除了時間,其他東西當然也可以run out,例如:Our money has run out/We have run out of money(我們的錢用光了)。 最後不妨談談另一句成語:down to the wire。Wire這裡不是指鐵絲,而是指賽馬的終點線。Down to the wire就是「到達終點線」,往往引伸解作「直到最後」,而getting down to the wire就是「所餘時間無多了」,例如:(1) We worked right down to the wire, and finished everything(我們工作到最後一刻,並且把一切都做好了)。(2) Hurry up, we’re getting down to the wire(快點,我們時間不多了)。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
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